The Yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina, also known as the Asian hornet, is a highly effective predator of insects including honeybees and other pollinators. Originating from Asia, it was unintentionally introduced to France in 2004 and has since spread rapidly across neighbouring countries.
The first yellow-legged hornet record in the UK was confirmed in September 2016. Thanks to monitoring and eradication efforts, yellow-legged hornets are not yet established here but, in total, more than 120 sightings have been confirmed to date (July 2024).
What should I do if I see a Yellow-legged (Asian) hornet?
It's important to report sightings as quickly as possible, ideally with photographs if safe to take, and location details, so that the record can be checked and any necessary action taken. Please do not disturb or provoke an active hornet's nest.
To aid in tracking and controlling the spread of the yellow-legged hornet, the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, commissioned by Defra, developed the Asian Hornet Watch smartphone app for submitting records into the existing non-native species alert system. An online recording form is also available.
Download the Asian Hornet Watch app