Powering environmental science

Our Centre for Multimodal Correlative Microscopy and Spectroscopy (CoreMiS) is the first platform in the UK dedicated to micro-spectroscopic analysis of environmental samples by Raman Imaging and Spectroscopy with Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (RISE-EDS).

RISE-EDS allows us to see in tiny detail chemical reactions in water, atmosphere, soil, plants and to investigate the effect of pollution and climate change on:

  • Form and structure of samples
  • Elemental composition
  • Molecular changes 

As such, it has applications across many different sectors including the water industry, food, health, agriculture, microbiology and nanotechnology.

CoreMiS brings together RISE-EDS and Fluorescence Light Microscopy (RISE-EDS-LM) as a single analytical suite. It provides one set of equipment for combined analysis of environmental samples like sewage, soil and biological samples, using techniques previously available only as stand-alone approaches. We can analyse mixed samples to meet new requirements.

As a platform dedicated to the study of nanoparticles and nano-scale chemical reactions, CoreMiS brings new technical scope for analysis at the nano-scale with greater detail and complexity than ever.

In summary, CoreMiS offers greater technical ability, opportunity and capability to meet our customer’s complex analysis needs.

A world-leading centre

UKCEH has technical ability in the field of microplastics analysis unavailable elsewhere in the UK.

CoreMiS represents a substantial step forward in capabilities for UK environmental science.  Funded by NERC and established by UKCEH, it provides a world-leading centre for particulate pollutant detection and biogeochemical analysis by adding nano-meter scale capability.

It delivers the infrastructure needed to power our world-class science, bringing evidence-based environmental solutions to the problem of plastic pollution so benefiting society.

Raman imaging of polystyrene microplastic in 3D

Combined suite of equipment for microscopy and spectroscopy

CoreMiS includes Raman Imaging, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy and Fluorescence Light Microscopy (RISE-EDS-LM) as a single analytical suite.

Collaboration and training

CoreMiS will support local laboratories and Small & Medium Sized Enterprises, as well as the training of students through NERC Doctoral Training Partnerships and UKCEH’s Research Associates programme. 
This will fuel the collaboration needed between business and research in various sectors including the nanotechnology sector by providing material characterisation capacity.  It will address the growing pollution and harm caused by microplastics in the environment.  

Specifically, our support of students and early-career researchers will provide knowledge in the use of cutting-edge techniques relevant to several industries, train the next generation of scientists and enhance employability.

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Microplastics floating in surface waters


Resolution delivered by RISE-EDS


Raman imaging integration time per spectrum

CoreMiS partners