Professional summary

Erica is an environmental data scientist, with an ecology and environmental management background. She is experienced in managing and analysing large datasets to drive impactful environmental insights. Erica is also skilled in creating informative data visualisations, graphics and figures to effectively communicate complex findings.

Erica is particularly interested in outreach and engagement, and has experience supporting diverse engagement activities for environmental projects, including conducting stakeholder workshops and providing training sessions. Her research interests include climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity restoration and forestry.

She has a BSc in Ecological and Environmental Sciences with Management, and MSc by Research from the University of Edinburgh, where she won the Elizabeth Sinclair Irvine Prize for most distinguished graduate in Ecological and Environmental Sciences and the CJ Taylor Prize as one of the top three students in the third year of her undergraduate course. Erica has previously worked at the University of Edinburgh, CNRS in France and as a freelance environmental consultant and project manager. 


Web tools and apps

Erica has designed and delivered engagement/tutorial materials. Some examples are:

  • Coding Club tutorial on statistical test ANOVA: here
  • Open Educational Resource for Primary schools to learn to identify British trees: here