Professional summary

Felicity is a plant ecophysiologist, specialising in investigation and quantification of the impacts of air pollution on crops, trees and other vegetation. She is responsible for the running of the solardomes experimental facility, comprising eight solardomes, nine rings for Free Air Ozone Exposure and six closed chambers.

Felicity is Chair of the ICP Vegetation, which is an international research programme investigating the impacts of air pollutants on crops and (semi-)natural vegetation. It reports to the Working Group on Effects (WGE) of the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP). The programme focuses on the impacts of ozone pollution on vegetation and the atmospheric deposition of heavy metals, nitrogen and persistent organic pollutants to vegetation.

Felicity also leads in the synthesis of data from researchers predominantly from across Europe to analyse and to produce outputs that inform policy, in particular for setting Critical Levels for ozone pollution within the LRTAP Convention. Recent research includes impacts to vegetation from interactions of ozone with environmental stressors including drought and excess nitrogen, investigating quantification of combined impacts and the mechanisms involved.

Selected publications