Professional summary

Lindsay is a skilled molecular microbial ecologist with over 20 years’ experience and a long history in the application of specialist skills in molecular microbial ecology. She is the laboratory manager of the molecular biology laboratories at UKCEH Wallingford, and specializes in the application of molecular tools to investigate microbial responses to environmental perturbation.

During her career at UKCEH she has had the opportunity to be involved in multiple projects with partners from academic, industrial and governmental organisations. Lindsay's career has spanned a range of subjects including microbial communities which colonize the environs surrounding whiskey maturation warehouses, earthworms from Chernobyl, and the impact of ocean acidification upon microbial communities.

Lindsay's most recent research includes: the prevalence of AMR communities in wastewater treatment plants; how pollinators and their microbiome respond to a changing world; climate induced changes in alpine soil microbial community diversity; and, the utilisation of freshwater-biofilms as proxy for river health. She supervises a DTP student investigating the use of eDNA in the detection of pollinator diseases and has successfully supervised a PhD student investigating microbiome responses to foraging and to pesticide exposure in pollinators. 

Lindsay specialises in the development of new assays to apply techniques to novel environments and difficult samples - including groundwater, freshwater, contaminated land, and host microbiomes (seabirds, bees, chironomids, earthworms and snails). She holds a current certificate for IOSH managing safely, first aid at work and level II remote first aid.

Selected publications