Professional summary

Mark works primarily on seabird data from the Isle of May NNR, Fife, Scotland. He is responsible for managing the fieldwork on the isle conducted by UKCEH and its partners and collaborators with particular responsibility for the bird ringing and training.

Research from the Isle of May has played a key role over the last 30 years in the conservation of North Sea seabirds and has been used to assess the impacts of the industrial sand eel fishery and climate change on avian top predators (Long term studies). With a long-standing interest in seabirds, Mark is in the perfect position to contribute to our understanding of the marine environment, particularly in this current period of population instability. 

As well as maintaining the long-term monitoring programme on the island he plays a part in other projects covering a wide range of topics including exploring foraging ranges, the role of seabirds in orchestrating island food webs and the impact of extreme weather. As well as his involvement in these projects Mark oversees the work of any students involved in fieldwork, casual workers and all volunteers. This includes logistical support as well as on site training in field techniques. 

At UKCEH Edinburgh, Mark is the Named Animal Care & Welfare Officer and he carries out or supervises all lab work associated with samples collected on the Isle of May and at other seabird colonies.