Professional summary
Vicky leads the Hydrological Processes and Extremes group at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Wallingford. She is a modeller with a background in applied mathematics, specialised in the development of spatially-distributed hydrological models, snowmelt models, and modelling of hydro-ecological systems as affected by natural hazards. Significant developments include:
- the Grid-to-Grid (G2G) hydrological model and its application across the UK at a 1km resolution to investigate the effect of climate change on river flows
- the Long Term Large Scale Freshwater Model (LTLS-FM) to estimate pools and fluxes of nutrients across the UK as part of the NERC Macronutrient Cycles programme,
- a UK-wide seasonal hydrological forecast system (Hydrological Outlooks) delivered through the Environmental Science to Services (ESSP) collaboration with the Met Office, the Environment Agency and BGS.
Vicky has published over 50 journal papers, written or contributed to over 40 commissioned research reports, and has an h-index of 26 (scopus).