Since the 1970s, UKCEH-chaired committees have provided a platform for bringing together the UK's international activities in the field of hydrology and water resources management. At present this committee is the UK Committee for International Hydrology, with its secretariat at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH).
The Committee, chaired by Prof Harry Dixon (UKCEH Associate Director of International Research and Development), aims to better coordinate UK contributions to international hydrological and water resources management initiatives, by promoting dialogue between organisations, encouraging collaboration and avoiding duplication.
The membership is drawn from a wide range of academic, public and private bodies with a major stake in hydrology and water resources activities, together with UK representatives of international non-governmental organizations and of initiatives within international programmes (see Box 1 for a list of organisations currently represented).

Secretary UKCIH: Joanna Savage
Chairman UKCIH: Prof Harry Dixon
UKCIH Secretariat:
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology