Pollinator monitoring and citizen science
This guide was produced by UKCEH and JNCC as part of the Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment Programme. Understanding more about pollinators helps us to protect them and restore their populations. Citizen science is a fantastic way to collect data on pollinators whilst engaging the public in science and conservation.
Click on the image below to download the guide.
When and how to use Citizen Science: best practice guide
If you are setting up a project and want to involve citizen scientist volunteers, our guide takes you through the steps. It is also supported by the full project report. Both are available to download below.
The project was funded by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).
Guide to Citizen Science
This is a guide to best practice in developing and running citizen science projects.
The UK Environmental Observation Framework funded this project. The Natural History Museum and Centre for Ecology & Hydrology provided in-kind support to the project team.
Evaluation of Citizen Science
This is a guide to evaluation of opportunities, costs and benefits of citizen science with an accompanying summary leaflet and a cost-benefit analysis tool. More about this work can be found on the UKEOF website.
The UK Environmental Observation Framework funded WRc plc to undertake this study in partnership with the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and Fera.
Full references
Choosing and Using Citizen Science: a guide to when and how to use citizen science to monitor biodiversity and the environment
Pocock, M J O, Chapman, D S, Sheppard, L J and Roy, H E.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.
ISBN: 978-1-906698-50-8, 2014, 28pp
A Strategic Framework to Support the Implementation of Citizen Science for Environmental Monitoring. Final Report to SEPA
Pocock, M J O, Chapman, D S, Sheppard, L J and Roy, H E.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. 2014, 65pp.
Citizen Science and Environmental Monitoring: Towards a Methodology for Evaluating Opportunities, Costs and Benefits. Final Report on behalf of UKEOF.
Blaney, R J P, Jones, G D, Philippe, A C V, Pocock, M J O
WRc, Fera Science, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 2016.