Available translations: English

We use a multi-model approach to forecast seasonal water availability. We combine process-based meteorological, hydrological and hydrogeological models, with analysis of historic periods that demonstrate good correspondence with current conditions. Together, these approaches enable us to understand the likely water availability trajectories from the present.

Product: Hydrological Summary and Hydrological Outlook UK

Map showing June 2020 hydrological outlook in the UK

The Hydrological Summary for the UK describes the conditions during the preceding month. Focusing on rainfall, river flows, groundwater levels and reservoir stocks, it places the events of each month in a historical context.

The Hydrological Outlook UK provides an insight into future hydrological conditions nationwide. Specifically, it describes likely trajectories for river flows and groundwater levels on a monthly basis, with a particular focus on the next three months.





Product: Future Flows and Groundwater Levels 

Our Future Flows and Groundwater Levels Datasets (FFGWL) provide a consistent assessment of the impact of climate change on river flows and groundwater levels across England, Wales and Scotland.

The FFGWL datasets have been used by a number of water companies in their water resources management plans, and also have a much wider range of applications such as projecting future water quality and ecological status.

Four products are available from

  • Future flows climate
  • Future flows hydrology
  • Catchment average climate daily time series
  • National and regional changes in river flow / groundwater level statistics.