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Powering environmental science

The first platform in the UK dedicated to micro-spectroscopic analysis of environmental samples by RISE-EDS. Powering the science that will bring environmental and health solutions to our society on a massive scale.

A world-leading centre

CoreMiS, funded by NERC and established by UKCEH, represents a substantial step forward in capabilities for UK environmental science. As a platform dedicated to the study of nanoparticles and nano-scale chemical reactions, it brings new technical scope for analysis at the nano-scale with greater detail and complexity than ever.

Access a single suite of equipment for combined analysis of environmental samples using techniques previously available only as stand-alone approaches.

CoreMiS brings together Raman Imaging and Spectroscopy with Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (RISE-EDS) as a single analytical suite. In a first for the UK, the suite can be used to analyse environmental specimens like sewage, soil and biological samples. With our existing infrared-based equipment, UKCEH will provide a world-leading centre for particulate pollutant detection and biogeochemical analysis by adding nano-meter scale capability.

Raman imaging of polystyrene microplastic in 3D

Combined suite of equipment for microscopy and spectroscopy

CoreMiS includes Raman Imaging, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy and Fluorescence Light Microscopy (RISE-EDS-LM) as a single analytical suite.

CoreMiS will deliver the world-class scientific infrastructure needed to underpin the UK's ambition for an evidence-based sustainable chemicals policy and the Government's ambition to develop a chemicals strategy to form the basis of a non-toxic environment in the UK.

The RISE-EDS suite has applications across water science, atmospheric science, soil science, plant science, microbiology and nanotechnology. See in tiny detail chemical reactions in water, atmosphere, soil, plants and investigate the effect of pollution and climate change on:

  • Form and structure of samples
  • Elemental composition
  • Molecular changes

Collaboration and training

CoreMiS offers a resource for UK environmental scientists undertaking a wide range of research. It can also support local laboratories and SMEs in the nanotechnology sector by providing material characterisation capacity.

To enhance employability, CoreMis will support periodic training of students through NERC Doctoral Training Partnerships and UKCEH Research Associates programme. This will provide early-career researchers with knowledge in the use of cutting-edge techniques relevant to several industries.

Contact us

Principal investigator at CoreMiS. Contact Dr Adediran with any questions including about collaboration opportunities
Acting Science Area Head - Soils & Land Use / Group leader - Molecular Ecology

A timeline illustrating 4 stages to implement the CoreMiS project

Research questions

Air quality

What is the composition of hazardous nanoparticles in the air? The biggest environmental threat in the UK is air pollution which is estimated to cause up to 36,000 premature deaths per year. RISE-EDS will provide a better characterisation of airborne nanomaterials for better air quality management. 

Nanoplastics science

What are the types of nanoplastics in tap water, natural waters and biological tissues and are they at concentrations that could cause harm? Use RISE-EDS to identify and quantify nanoplastics across diverse and complex environmental forms including drinking water, natural waters, arable soils, edible plants, indoor and outdoor air, and biological tissues. 


A new industrial revolution is being driven by nanotechnology, which makes materials more durable and effective. RISE-EDS will support the design of safe nano-enabled products (including nano-cosmetics, pesticides, and fertilisers) in the UK. The results of fibre toxicology studies will help industry to make decisions about the current and future use of fibres in commercial products.

Cell biogeochemistry

Around 12,000 people are estimated to die from antibiotic-resistant infections in the UK. What are the mechanisms of antimicrobial drug resistance and how can they be tracked from the environment to the clinic? RISE-EDS will help in the development of novel antibiotics.

Organic matter and macronutrients geochemistry

Protecting the world’s soil carbon stores could help offset up to 5.5 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases per year. What are the nanoscale processes that govern soil nutrients and carbon dynamics? RISE-EDS will help deliver the knowledge for soil resource management via better understanding of nanoscale processes.

Titanium dioxide nanoparticle revealed under SEM imaging
Image: RISE-EDS reveals the presence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in a contaminated soil



Microplastics floating in surface waters


Resolution delivered by RISE-EDS


Raman imaging integration time per spectrum

CoreMiS partners

Field emission scanning electron microscope provided by Zeiss

The suite of novel methods delivered at CoreMiS offers a real step change in our ability to understand nanoparticle fate in the environment and characterise their composition and physical properties.