ISO 9001

UKCEH maintains a Quality Management System across its four sites which is ISO 9001:2015 certified. We are committed to providing research at the highest standard and has developed a Quality Assurance Policy, Objectives and Procedures to help all staff maintain these standards of research, improve quality practices and ensure compliance.

BSI ISO 9001 logo
certificate no: FS 596893




















Investors in People

In 2024, we were accredited with the Investors in People Silver Award in recognition of the priority we give to leading, supporting and developing our people.

Investors in People logo


























ISO 14001

As a leader in environmental research, UKCEH is committed to protecting the environment and have implemented an Environmental Management System at our main sites to ensure we comply with or exceed the requirements of ISO14001.

BSI ISO 14001 logo Environmental Management Certified
certificate no: FS 596893























ISO 17025

UKCEH's Centralised Analytical Chemistry Unit holds UKAS accreditation to ISO 17025:2017 for many of the analyses it offers.

ISO 17025





ISO 45001

ISO 45001 certification reflects our commitment to a positive health and safety culture and high health and safety standards.

ISO 45001 certification

Disability Confident

UKCEH is committed to equality of opportunity for people with disabilities through the Disability Confident scheme. This scheme encourages people with disabilities to apply for the full range of jobs on offer and enables UKCEH to select the best person from a more diverse range of applicants.

Disability Confident employer logo

Core Trust Seal

The Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC), part of the Natural Environment Research Council's Environmental Data Service, hosted by UKCEH, is certified as a trusted repository by CoreTrustSeal. CoreTrustSeal certification is based on requirements established by the World Data Systems (WDS) and the Data Seal of Approval (DSA).

CoreTrustSeal logo

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed and industry supported scheme to help businesses protect themselves against cyber threats. UKCEH has been independently assessed as meeting the Cyber Essentials standard in recognition that we have implemented the required cyber security controls.

Cyber Essentials logo

Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF)

The laboratories at UKCEH Bangor, Lancaster and Wallingford have achieved the highest certification (Gold) for LEAF – the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework. Led by UCL in the UK, around 100 institutions have participated in LEAF globally, making it the largest green lab certification scheme.

Logo saying LEAF The Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework and illustration of a green leaf and a laboratory bottle