Explore our range of web-based apps and tools which provide methods to search and evaluate different data or support decision-making relating to specific environmental challenges. We also have a range of mobile apps which allow volunteers to submit biological records.


Plant diversity and occurrence over 40 years shiny app screenshot
Plant diversity and occurrence over 40 years app screenshot

Clean air

  • APIS & APIENs Mapping Interface
    An innovative one-stop GIS tool for the APIS website. This mapping tool allows users to easily interrogate complex spatial data and find information about protected sites within the four UK countries. This tool helps UK conservation and regulatory agencies and environmental Consultants, to help make decisions on reducing air pollution impacts on protected habitats.
  • Ammonia Capture using Trees
    This tool is a calculator and guidance for farmers, planners and tree planters, so they can maximize the benefits of planting tree shelterbelts for ammonia recapture. This includes information on a number of important aspects of planting, such as recommended planting distances and configurations, species which are better at ammonia capture and other aspects of design so that new planting for this purpose can optimize potential benefits and units located near existing woodland can be situated to capitalize on potential benefits. It also includes prevailing wind and planting suitability maps.

Climate and land

  • Linking Natural Capital Attribute Groups to Ecosystem Services (LiNCAGES)
    LiNCAGES is designed to advise stakeholders on which aspects of their natural capital are most important for supplying the services they value under their chosen context, using evidence from a systematic search of 780 relevant peer-reviewed journal articles. It can also provide a resource for researchers to identify key gaps in this evidence base.

Flood and drought impacts

  • NRFA Trend Explorer
    A portal to explore trends in river flow in the UK directly from the NRFA API, looking at both peak flow and daily mean flow.

Soil health

Map of GB and 6 descriptions of habitat matching colour scheme of map
SOil funDamentals (SOD): a web tool for soil health