At UKCEH, we are dedicated stewards of environmental data. Our science infrastructures and long-term monitoring programmes under National Capability for UK Challenges, and resulting data, tools and models enable researchers across the UK to understand and predict environmental processes and change. We are committed to managing these datasets for the long term, so they can easily be accessed by all and used to inform environmental research, policy, innovation and conservation efforts around the world.

Biological Records Centre
Uniting volunteers and technology to create useful terrestrial and freshwater datasets in the UK

Dig into our near real-time soil moisture dataset, measuring using cosmic rays at 47 sites around the UK.

Countryside Survey
Keeping a watchful eye on the UK countryside since 1978

Cumbrian Lakes
Explore the world's most comprehensive dataset on lakes

Isle of May Long-Term Study
Explore the UK's most data-rich seabird monitoring study

National Plant Monitoring Scheme
Community-driven data on wild plants and habitat diversity

National River Flow Archive
Access daily data from more than 1600 long-term monitoring sites.

Nitrogen experiments at Whim Bog
A globally unique study of how peatland ecosystems respond to different levels and forms of nitrogen deposition.

UKCEH Land Cover Maps
Discover detailed UKCEH Land Cover Maps, produced annually since 2017 using satellite data from Sentinel-2.

UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme
Data from volunteer surveys helping to detect changes in pollinator populations

UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
Telling the story of how butterfly species have changed from almost 50 years of data.

Dataset training videos
Our different datasets and where the data can be accessed
Explore all our data
Explore the range of data available via the following sites. Search by topic or research project name.

Learn more about the NC-UK programme
Integrated monitoring, modelling and data for the UK environment

Environmental Information Data Centre
The EIDC manages nationally-important datasets concerned with the terrestrial and freshwater sciences.

Environmental Information Platform
Access key UKCEH data holdings via web-based tools, programming interfaces and a data catalogue.