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GWAVA Training

To support the user community, UKCEH designs and delivers GWAVA training via a combination of online and classroom approaches. The training describes the hydrological model and its practical applications, and demonstrates the various possible uses of the model and the types of scientific questions that may be tackled.

Case study: Myanmar Hydrology Training Programme

UKCEH is coordinating a hydrological training programme for the Myanmar Department of Meteorology & Hydrology  (DMH) on behalf of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The programme is designed to meet DMH’s evolving requirements, now and in the near future, and is being delivered to hydrologists and technical staff from the DMH.

The training encompasses hydrometry, modelling, floods, droughts and hydrological data management. UKCEH is leading an international team of hydrological experts to design and deliver an integrated training programme through a mix of  online, classroom and field based courses.