Professional summary

Dr Jan Dick is a senior scientist and leads UKCEH’s transdisciplinary research focused on coupled human-nature systems at long-term monitoring sites. She is trained in sociology and socio-ecology including stakeholder engagement strategies and methods. She has studied a wide variety of theoretical and practical aspects of nature-society interdependencies working primarily with farmers, foresters, tourists, recreationalists, local, regional, and national policy makers.

Her recent science impact has focused on the participatory management, conservation and restoration of landscapes in temperate, tropical and artic environments. She has investigated landscapes through the lens of natural capital, ecosystem services and nature based solutions. She has been PI and Co-I in numerous UK and international research projects in Europe; Central and South America (Costa Rica, Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Brazil) Asia, (Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam); and Africa (Sierra Leone, Kenya, Mali, and Uganda).