Professional summary

Hazel provides scientific and people leadership to a group of dedicated researchers, contributing to scientific discovery and generating the data, insights and solutions that other researchers, businesses and governments need to solve complex environmental challenges and respond to the biodiversity crises.  Hazel is a member of the UKCEH Executive and Science leadership committees, contributing to the strategic direction and impact of the organisation. 

Other Publications

O’Connell, M., White, W.R,  Haysom, K, Seo, M., Dooner, P., MacAdam, C., Plowman, A., Bulman, C., Hayns, S., Nason, M., Smith, R, Sutherland, W., Groves, L., Orr, H., Meakin, K., Dagley, J., Stringer, A., Smart, A., Hynes, J., Stone, D., Hails, R., Webb, J., Hutchinson, N., Higgins, S., Wildon, J., Burns, F., Robinson, S., Doar, N., Rogers, L., &  Jackson, H.A. (2024). A Vision for the future of conservation evidence landscape. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. 5, e12397.

Al Hikmani, H., van Oosterhout, C., Birley, T., Labisko, J., Jackson, H.A., Spalton, A., Tollington, S. & Groombridge, J.J. (2024). Can genetic rescue help save Arabia's last big cat? Evolutionary Applications. 17, e13701.

Koops, K., Humle, T., Frandsenm P., Fitgerald, M., D’Avergne, L., Jackson, H.A., Børsting, C., Siegismund, H.R., Soumah, A.G. & Hvilsom, C. (2023). Genetics as a novel tool in mining impact assessment and biomonitoring of Critically Endangered Western chimpanzees in Nimba Mountains, Guinea. Conservation Science & Practice. 5, e12898.

Aziz, M.A., Smith, O., Jackson, H.A., Tollington, S., Darlow, S., Barlow, A., Islam, M.A. & Groombridge, J.J. (2022). Phlogeography of Panthera tigris in the mangrove forests of the Sundarbans. Endangered Species Research. 48, 87-97.

Jackson H.A., Percival?Alwyn, L., Ryan, C., Albeshr, M.F., Venturi, L., Morales, H.E., Mathers, T.C., Cocker, J., Speak, S.A., Accinelli, G.G., Barker, T., Heavens, D., Willman, F., Dawson, D., Ward, L., Tataya, V., Zuel, N., Young, R., Concannon, L., Whitford, H., Clavijo, B., Bunbury, N., Tyler, K.M., Ruhomaun, K., Grace, M.K., Bruford, M.W., Jones, C.G., Tollington, S., Bell, D.J., Groombridge, J.J., Clark, M. & Van Oosterhout, C. (2022). Genomic erosion in a demographically recovered bird species during conservation rescue. Conservation Biology. 36, 13918.

White, R.L., Strubbe, D., Dallimer, M., Davies, Z.G., Davis, A.J., Edelaar, P., Groombridge, J.J., Jackson, H.A., Menchetti, M., Mori, E., Nikolov, B.P., Parau, L.G., Pecnikar, Z., Pett, T.J., Reino, L., Tollington, S., Turbe, A. & Swartz, A. (2019). Assessing the ecological and societal impacts of alien parrots in Europe using a transparent and inclusive evidence-mapping scheme. NeoBiota. 48, 45-69.

Beever E.A., Simberloff D., Crowley S.L., Al-Chokhachy R., Jackson, H.A. &, Petersen S.L. (2019). Social-ecological mismatches create conservation challenges in introduced species management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 17, 117-125.

Jackson H.A., Bunbury, N., Przelomska, N. & Groombridge, J.J. (2016). Evidence of evolutionary distinctiveness and historical decline in genetic diversity within the Seychelles black parrot. Coracopsis nigra barklyi. Ibis. 158, 380-394.

Jackson H.A., Strubbe D., Tollington S., Prys-Jones R., Matthysen E. & Groombridge J.J. (2015). Ancestral origins and invasion pathways of a globally invasive bird correlate with climate and influences from the pet trade. Molecular Ecology. 24, 4269-4285. 

Strubbe D., Jackson H.A., Matthysen E. & Groombridge J. (2015). Within-taxon niche structure and human association in the native range explain invasion success of a top global avian invader. Diversity and Distributions. 2, 675-685.