93rd meeting
The 93rd meeting of the Scottish Freshwater Group took place on Thursday 30 October 2014.
Morning Chair: Laurence Carvalho (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)
- 10:00: Meet for tea / coffee
- 10:30: Paul Ramsay (Bamff Estate) "1 Beavers at Bamff"
- 11:00: Charles Perfect (University of Stiring) "2 Restoration development trajectories; patterns of recovery by riparian vegetation"
- 11:30: Eirini Politi (University of Dundee) "
Document3 The 1000 lake challenge.pdf PDF - 3.6 MB"
- 12:00: Marian Scott (University of Glasgow) "
12:30-14:00 Lunch & Poster Demonstrations
- Erica Dewell (Dundee University): "Impacts of Morphological Restoration on Macroinvertebrate Assemblage in Eddleston Water"
- Hannah Clilverd (University College London): "The ecohydrological effects of river embankment removal on a floodplain meadow"
Afternoon Theme: The Eddleston Water Project - measuring the effectiveness of restoring a sub-catchment of the Tweed
Afternoon Chair: Chris Spray (University of Dundee)
- 14:00: Chris Spray (University of Dundee) "
- 14:15: Hugh Chalmers (Tweed Foundation) and Carolyn Mills (cbec) "Practical restoration works undertaken"
DocumentSFG93 part one.pdf PDF - 3.32 MBand
DocumentSFG93 part two.pdf PDF - 4.06 MB - 14:40: Tom Ball/Andrew Black (University of Dundee) "Surface Water Monitoring"
- 15:00: Alan McDonald (BGS) "
- 15:20: Chris Bromley (SEPA) "
Document9 Geomorphology and ecology monitoring.pdf PDF - 997.63 KB"
- 15:40: Chris Spray (chair) "Discussion and summing up"
- 16.00: Close of meeting, followed by social drink in the Meadowpark Hotel
The next meeting of the Scottish Freshwater Group will be on Thursday 19 April 2015, with a half-day theme on "CREW discussion of research priorities". To offer a talk or poster, please contact Dr Laurence Carvalho, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (Edinburgh), Bush Estate, Penicuik, EH26 0QB. E-mail: laca@ceh.ac.uk
92nd meeting
The 92nd meeting of the Scottish Freshwater Group took place on Thursday 27 March 2014.
Morning theme: The Story of Tweed Sea-trout
Morning chair: Ronald Campbell (Tweed Foundation)
- 10.00: Meet for tea / coffee
- 10:30: Kenny Galt (Tweed Foundation) "
Document1 Sea Trout Freshwater Phase.pdf PDF - 4.25 MB" [4.25mb]
- 11:00: Niall Gauld (University of Durham) "
Document2 The Downstream migration of smolts.pdf PDF - 2.05 MB" [2.05mb]
- 11:30: Ronald Campbell (Tweed Foundation) "
Document3 Sea trout migrations at sea.pdf PDF - 934.55 KB" [1mb]
- 12:00: Niall Gauld (University of Durham) "
Document4 The Upstream spawning migration.pdf PDF - 2.9 MB" [2.90mb]
12:40-14:00 Lunch & Poster Demonstrations
- Alan Law (University of Stirling) "The impact of beaver dams on macroinvertebrates"
- Shallow Lakes 2014
Afternoon Session
Chair: Laurence Carvalho (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)
- 14:00: Robert Brackley (University of Glasgow) "
" [2.33mb]
- 14:30: Rick Battarbee (University College London) "
Document6 Upland Waters Monitoring Network.pdf PDF - 3.06 MB" [3.06mb]
- 15:00: Chris Mellor (Scottish Natural Heritage) "
" [1.60mb]
- 15:30 Steve Addy (James Hutton Institute) "
" [3.25mb]
- 16.00 Close of meeting, followed by social drink in the Meadowpark Hotel