93rd meeting

The 93rd meeting of the Scottish Freshwater Group took place on Thursday 30 October 2014.


Morning Chair: Laurence Carvalho (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)

12:30-14:00 Lunch & Poster Demonstrations

  • Erica Dewell (Dundee University): "Impacts of Morphological Restoration on Macroinvertebrate Assemblage in Eddleston Water"
  • Hannah Clilverd (University College London): "The ecohydrological effects of river embankment removal on a floodplain meadow"

Afternoon Theme: The Eddleston Water Project - measuring the effectiveness of restoring a sub-catchment of the Tweed

Afternoon Chair: Chris Spray (University of Dundee)

The next meeting of the Scottish Freshwater Group will be on Thursday 19 April 2015, with a half-day theme on "CREW discussion of research priorities". To offer a talk or poster, please contact Dr Laurence Carvalho, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (Edinburgh), Bush Estate, Penicuik, EH26 0QB. E-mail: laca@ceh.ac.uk

92nd meeting

The 92nd meeting of the Scottish Freshwater Group took place on Thursday 27 March 2014.


Morning theme: The Story of Tweed Sea-trout

Morning chair: Ronald Campbell (Tweed Foundation)

12:40-14:00 Lunch & Poster Demonstrations

  • Alan Law (University of Stirling) "The impact of beaver dams on macroinvertebrates"
  • Shallow Lakes 2014

Afternoon Session

Chair: Laurence Carvalho (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)

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