SFG 103rd meeting (Autumn 2019)
The 103rd SFG meeting will take place on Thursday 24 October 2019. Talks will be held in the Logie Lecture Theatre and posters/demonstrations in the Foyer outside the Logie Lecture Theatre, adjacent to the Cottrell Building, University of Stirling.
This meeting is themed around Eco-Hydrology/Hydro-ecology to showcase work undertaken by a wide range of people from diverse backgrounds and career profiles across the SFG community – we hope many of you will come along to support our contributors and enjoy getting together on the day.
As customary, these meetings are open (pre-registration not required), welcoming and free for all SFG members to attend – except for campus parking fees and refreshments, snacks, etc. (available in the Cottrell Building), incurred at own cost.
The social media hashtag for this SFG meeting is #SFG103. We share some Twitter handles on the agenda to encourage connectivity across our SFG community.
Theme – “Eco-Hydrology/Hydro-ecology”
09:15 Meet for arrival and tea/coffee (supported by Scottish Government) in Logie Foyer
10:00 Pauline Lang (SFG, @Scottish_FwGrp) @Dr_LangP & Faye Jackson (Marine Scotland Science, @marinescotland) @Faye_L_Jackson: "Welcome, SFG Updates & Theme" [PDF]
10:15 SFG Action Teams - 5 minute Project Updates:
- AT #1: “Creating SFG partnership solutions for sustainably tackling 21st C environmental challenges”
DocumentSFG_ATUpdate_103.pdf PDF - 266.28 KB
- AT #2: “Optimising citizen science opportunities at future SFG meetings”
DocumentSFG103-citizen-science-working-group.pdf PDF - 1.02 MB - AT #3: “Developing the SFG's Innovation Hub”
DocumentSFG Innovation Hub.pdf PDF - 496.56 KB
Morning Session – Faye Jackson (Marine Scotland Science), SFG Guest Coordinator & Chair
10:30 Bas Buddendorf (River Dee Trust, @RiverDeeTeam) @Bas_Buddendorf: “A framework for prioritisation of barriers to migration for Atlantic salmon across spatial scales”
11:00 Zarah Pattison (Newcastle University, @UniofNewcastle) @ZarahPattison: “The freshwater biodiversity crisis: what role do invasive alien plants play?”
11:30 Jack McLachlan (University of Maine, @UMaine): “Benthic communities in intertidal freshwaters”
12:00 David Summers (Tay District Salmon Fisheries Board, @taydsfb) & Ian Milne (SEPA, @ScottishEPA): "Re-watering the River Garry: how much water does a river need and can we keep everyone happy?"
12:30 SFG Speed Poster Session (Various Presenters): “60 second bite-size tasters”
12:45 – 14:00 Extended lunch for SFG poster presentations, Action Team (AT) collaborations & networking opportunities
Please gather for a buffet lunch (supported by Scottish Government) in Logie Foyer – inclusive of pre-catered vegan and vegetarian options
Poster Presentations & Demonstrations
- Stephen Addy (James Hutton Institute, @JamesHuttonInst): “Preliminary results from seven years of hydro-geomorphic monitoring of a reach scale river restoration project: the Logie Burn”
DocumentSFG103_Logie_poster_Addy.pdf PDF - 2.42 MB
- Karen Millidine (Marine Scotland Science, @marinescotland) @KJMillidine: “Assessing the transferability of hydraulic habitat models for juvenile Atlantic salmon”
- Emily Bridcut (Marine Scotland Science, @marinescotland): “The potential impacts on salmon and trout populations associated with onshore wind farm developments in Scotland”
DocumentSFG meeting poster Oct 2019 Bridcut-lo.pdf PDF - 4.92 MB - Derek Elsby (University of the Highlands and Islands, @ThinkUHI) @Greyfried: “Using freshwater invertebrates to biomonitor for antimicrobial resistance”
- Pauline Silverman (SEPA, @ScottishEPA) @TheLevenFife: “The Leven: Growing with the Flow”
- Fraser Brydon (Scottish Centre for Ecology and the Natural Environment (SCENE), University of Glasgow, @sceneUofG) @fraser_brydon: “Migration patterns of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) impacted by hydro-dams on the River Shin catchment, Scotland: an analysis of current management strategies”
- Drew Jamieson FIFM MRTPI (ret’d) Scottish Freshwater Group: “70 Years in Scotland’s Freshwaters”
- Louise Broatch (Keep Scotland Beautiful, @KSBScotland #UpstreamBattle): “Keep Scotland Beautiful Upstream Battle Campaign”
Other posters on any freshwater-related topic most welcome on the day!
Afternoon Session – Faye Jackson (Marine Scotland Science), SFG Guest Coordinator & Chair
14:00 Nadeem Shah (Forest Research, @Forest_Research): “The effects of forest to bog restoration on water quality and implications for freshwater ecology”
14:30 Izzy Bishop (Earthwatch Europe, @Earthwatch_Eur) @FreshwaterIzzy: “Citizen Science and community-led freshwater restoration”
15:00 Hamish Moir (Cbec Eco-engineering UK Ltd) @cbecUK: "The benefits to Atlantic salmon habitats resulting from process-based river restoration"
15:30 Daniel Chapman (University of Stirling, @StirUni) @Dchap79: "Invasion of freshwater ecosystems is promoted by network connectivity to hotspots of human activity"
16:00 Reflections, Announcements & Meeting Close [PDF]
Followed by a social drink in the Meadowpark Hotel.
The next meeting of the Scottish Freshwater Group will be held on Thursday 23rd April 2020 at the University of Stirling – an announcement will be communicated by the SFG Team, with further updates to follow via e-circular and social media.
SFG 102nd meeting (Spring 2019)
The 102nd SFG meeting took place on Thursday 25 April 2019.
This meeting was themed around "Exploring the practicalities of delivering freshwater conservation work and restoration projects" undertaken by our diverse SFG community.
Morning Session
Guest SFG Coordinator & Chair – Charlie Perfect (SEPA)
09:15 Inaugural Scottish Freshwater Group Mini Film Festival (optional)
In today’s digital era, stories are often showcased in short films. We have created an opportunity for our SFG members to enjoy a compilation of video clips, inspired by our meeting theme, running from the lecture theatre beforehand. Hopefully you can join us for this cinematic experience involving people and projects from across the UK and beyond (tea and coffee not provided, please bring your own).
10:30 Pauline Lang & Charlie Perfect (SFG): “Welcome, SFG updates & theme” [PDF]
10:40 Toby Wilson (RSPB): “Delivering ecological coherence, EcoCoLIFE”
11:00 Nick Benge (Water Gems): “Improving urban waterbodies”
11:20 Michael Stratigos (SUERC): "The lost lochs of Scotland: historical ecology approaches for understanding Anthropocene hydrological systems”
11:40 Scott Ferguson (Seven Lochs Project): “Creating multi-functional green infrastructure at Seven Lochs”
12:00 SFG speed poster introductions (Various): “60 second bite-size tasters”
- Kerr Adams
- Alan Law
- Lawrence Bellini
- Sean Robertson
- Anna Griffin
- Space available for others on the day
12:15– 14:00 Extended lunch for Poster Presentations
Please try to join this session from 13:00 in the Foyer outside the Logie Lecture Theatre for SFG networking prior to the afternoon session.
Afternoon Session
14:00 Chris Spray (University of Dundee) & Luke Comins (Tweed Forum): “Delivering river restoration on Tweed and Eddleston: lessons from the coalface”
14:20 Ed Curley (University of Glasgow): "Investigating the behavioural and physiological response of endangered freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera) to stress exposure"
14:40 Hamish Moir, Eric Gillies (Cbec Eco-engineering UK Ltd) & David Holland (Salix River and Wetland Services Ltd): “Engineered large wood structures: practical experience of design, implementation and monitoring from process-based restoration to sustainable bank protection applications”
15:00 Callum Sinclair (SNH): “The Scottish Invasive Species Initiative, SISI”
15:20 Profiling SFG Membership Career Pathways (Various): Informal opportunity for a cross-section of SFG members to panel audience questions, share career pathway experiences and help inspire our future environmental leaders
16:00 Announcements, Reflections on the Day and Meeting Close [PDF]