We welcome your opinion

This open consultation of the Saltmarsh Code procedure closed in November 2024. See details of the process below.

About the Saltmarsh Code

The Saltmarsh Code is a voluntary standard enabling the verification and sale of carbon sequestered through saltmarsh restoration. Saltmarsh carbon can be sold to buyers seeking to voluntarily compensate for their emissions, generating additional revenues to accelerate saltmarsh restoration and deliver other social and environmental benefits, such as biodiversity gains, flood alleviation, and nutrient remediation.

UKCEH is leading a consortium developing the Saltmarsh Code using rigorous and evidence-based approaches. We have now completed the first draft of the Saltmarsh Code and associated documents, and would like to obtain feedback on these from the wider stakeholder community through the consultation process.

This open consultation is available to all with an interest in developing the Saltmarsh Code. We would like your opinion on the Code and the Monitoring, Verification, and Reporting (MRV) protocol, with feedback being collected through the means of a questionnaire. Please proceed by watching the introductory video below.

Annette Burden introduces the background to the Saltmarsh Code and the consultation process.

The consultation process

We would like to gather feedback on the main Saltmarsh Code documents. Developing this in collaboration with you – those who will use it and are interested in saltmarsh restoration – will result in a higher quality Code. Please circulate this opportunity around your own contacts so we reach as many people as possible.

This consultation will be open from 21 October to 18 November.

We are asking for feedback on the Saltmarsh Code rules, and the Monitoring, Verification, and Reporting (MRV) protocol and have split the consultation process into two sections accordingly. There is an introductory video for each of these below, alongside the documents to review. We are asking for your feedback in response to specific questions via a questionnaire containing both multiple choice and free text questions to elaborate and provide additional information. When you click on the links below, the questionnaires will open in new tabs in your browser.

What we would like you to do

  • Watch the videos
  • Read the documents
  • Complete the questionnaire with your thoughts, opinions and feedback. Responses will be automatically collated.

Privacy notice

We are asking for your name and contact details as it would be useful to be able to get back in touch with you in case we would like to follow up on your feedback. In compliance with the consultation's privacy notice, your information will not be passed on to third parties and will only be used for correspondence in relation to the Saltmarsh Code.

Professor Mark Reed describes the Saltmarsh Code

Dr Hannah Mossman describes the MRV protocols


Thank you so much for contributing to the development of the Saltmarsh Code. After the consultation closes, we will gather the feedback and use it to refine the Code and its associated documents to create the final first version. This process will be completed by the end of March 2025. Once the first version is operational, it will enable the verification and sale of carbon credits generated through saltmarsh restoration across the UK.


Logos of organisations in the Saltmarsh Code consortium

UKCEH scientists