Agroforestry research in Indonesia

The University of Brawijaya (UB) and UKCEH's long-term research and education platform focusses on agroforestry innovations in Indonesia. This work supports the Indonesian Social Forestry Programme by helping rural communities to successfully farm coffee within Indonesia’s state owned pine plantation forests.

UB Forest Platform icon

The core of the platform is a field trial site at UB Forest (a former state owned pine forest) where, in collaboration with the local community, agronomic innovations are evaluated. This is supported by wider work on the environmental and economic implications of crop management and the interface with equitable forest governance. The platform also hosts educational activities for University students and the community.

You can read more about the project and our activities, meet the team and discover our outputs.

Overview of the project's structure
Overview of the project's structure

Project partners

The establishment of the “UB Forest: Research and Education Platform” was supported by UKCEH through the SUNRISE programme (2017-2021). SUNRISE was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) as part of a National Capability Long-Term Science - Official Development Assistance (LTS-ODA).

Principal Investigator

Ecosystem biogeochemistry