Our research

Taking new observations and developing new analysis techniques and models, we are improving our ability to forecast flood and drought events and minimise the impacts of extreme weather.

We use satellite data, past-climate records and field observations combined with world-leading models to study the role of the land in the Earth System and its impact on future climates. We work with partners in the UK to improve national-scale flood and drought event forecasts, assessments and mitigation strategies. We work overseas including in Africa, China and India to improve observations, analysis and modelling of extreme weather events.

World-class science and innovation

  • Hydrological modelling to support flood estimation in data-sparse regions and for future scenarios.
  • Development and application of a state-of-the-art land surface model, including its use for climate and Earth System model predictions.


Science Area Head: Nick Reynard

Research Development Manager: Charlie Stratford

Science Area Coordinator: Dr Carol Diffenthal

Science Groups

Our facilities