SFG 105th meeting (Autumn 2021)

The 105th SFG meeting took place on Thursday 21 October 2021 and focused on “Valuing and protecting freshwaters: the role of science, policy and practice”. It was coordinated by Dr Louise Lavictoire from the Freshwater Biological Association.

Our meetings showcase work undertaken by a wide range of people from diverse backgrounds and career profiles across the SFG community. We also have key updates from our SFG Action Teams, SFG Members and SFG Coordinator.

The social media hashtag for this SFG meeting was #SFG105.

Foreword from SFG Guest Coordinator Louise Lavictoire (@DrLouLavictoire)

This virtual themed SFG 105th meeting is hosted by Laurence Carvalho (UKCEH, @LacLaurence @UK_CEH) and brought to you by Louise Lavictoire (FBA). With special thanks to Kerr Adams (University of Edinburgh, @KerrAdams10), and the SFG Team, for support. The purpose of the day is to bring the SFG community together to learn from work undertaken and perspectives on freshwaters across the science, policy and practice interface.

This bespoke knowledge-exchange opportunity will help promote expertise and collaboration on a wide range of issues related to the freshwater environment – one of Scotland’s most precious natural resources. Email scottishfreshwatergroup@gmail.com for details of how to join on the day via Zoom.

SFG Agenda Theme – “Valuing and protecting freshwaters: the role of science, policy and practice”

09:50  Zoom waiting room opens – we warmly invite SFG members to join early on the day

10:00  SFG 105 Welcome, Theme & Introductions

Morning session – Chaired by Louise Lavictoire, with support from Kerr Adams

10:10  Bob Ferrier (Centre of Expertise for Waters, @ferrier_bob @CREW_waters) – Valuing water: making knowledge count

10:40  Jenny Rowbottom (University of Lincoln) – Developing a Multi Actor Platform in a mature farmer engagement arena [PDF]

11:00  Jonny Archer (University of Glasgow, @JarcherP) – River and coastal marine habitat use by sea trout (Salmo trutta) from the River Dee

11:20  Rebecca Lewis (Buglife, @BeckL76388162 @on_esk) – Raising the Lothian Esk: A People’s Project, Stage One

11:40  Susan Cooksley (James Hutton Institute, @SusanLCooksley) – Easter Beltie Restoration Project

12:10  Lunch Break (50 mins)

Afternoon session – Chaired by Louise Lavictoire, with support from Kerr Adams

13:00  SFG Posters (Various Presenters) – 1 min bite-size tasters & virtual breakout rooms. See below for links to posters and videos.

13:50  David de la Haye (Newcastle University, @DJCdelaHaye) – The Boatmen of Garten: Exploring underwater soundscapes in the Cairngorms National Park (video). View the presentation on PDF.

14:00  Mattie O'Hare – (Cbec Eco-engineering UK Lrd, @cbecUK) – Integrating science and practice for the effective delivery of a 'nature-based' approach to the sustainable management of the freshwater resource [PDF]

14:30  Ed Curley (University of Glasgow, @Musseling_In) – Developing novel methods to understand organism interactions with flow: perspectives from the freshwater pearl mussel

15:00  Iain Gunn (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology) – Reversing the decline of a threatened aquatic native plant, the Slender Naiad [PDF]

15:30  SFG Action Team Updates

15:45  SFG Reflections, Announcements & Meeting Close

Next meeting of the Scottish Freshwater Group will be held on Thursday 21 April 2022. The default plan is for this event is to go ahead as a full day virtual SFG meeting agenda.


SFG105 posters and videos

SFG 104th meeting (Spring 2021)

The 104th SFG meeting took place on Thursday 22 April 2021. This virtual themed SFG meeting focused on “Scotland the Hydro Nation: Valuing and protecting Scotland’s water resources while responding to global water challenges” and was coordinated by the Hydro Nation Scholars Programme.

It showcased the important research being conducted by present and past Hydro Nation Scholars, our SFG Action Teams, the wider SFG membership and early-career academic communities, with presentations drawing on a diverse range of topics, expertise and people. We also shared key SFG updates. The online meeting was hosted on Zoom by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. The social media hashtag was #HNSFG104. 

See the meeting booklet (PDF).

A foreword from our SFG Guest Coordinators (@HydroScholars)

This virtual themed SFG 104th meeting, hosted by Laurence Carvalho (UKCEH), was brought to you by Rita Noelle Moussa (University of Aberdeen), Julze Alejandre (Glasgow Caledonian University) and Kerr Adams (University of Edinburgh) of the Hydro Nation Scholars Programme. With special thanks to our Hydro Nation Scholar collaborators Jonathan Fletcher, Craig McDougall and Elliot Hurst (University of Stirling), and the SFG Team, for support.

We encourage SFG members to view posters and presentation abstracts using the links found below the agenda. We thank all of our presenters for their contributions in creating this exciting meeting agenda.

SFG Agenda Theme - “Scotland the Hydro Nation: Valuing and protecting Scotland’s water resources while responding to global water challenges”

10:00  SFG 104 Welcome, Theme & Introductions

10:15  Sub-theme 1: Protecting Scotland’s water resources using innovative solutions

Moderated by Rita Noelle Moussa.  

  • Lucille Groult, University of Dundee (@GroultLucille):
    • Water pollution by Contaminants of Emerging Concern from consumer products in Scotland: what precautionary solutions for source control?
  • Indira Menezes, Robert Gordon University:
    • Scale-up of a photocatalytic treatment unit for degradation of biocidal agent source.

10:45 Poster Session 1

Moderated by Kerr Adams (@KerrAdams10). See links to all the posters below.

11:35  Sub-theme 2: Connecting the value of water to Scotland’s communities and beyond

Moderated by Julze Alejandre (@JulzeAlejandre).

  • Craig McDougall, University of Stirling (@CraigMcDougall_):
    • Valuing inland blue space: A contingent valuation study of two large freshwater lakes.
  • Sydney Byrns, University of Stirling (@sydbyrns):
    • Co-developing strategies to promote inclusive water governance in Malawi.
  • Victoria Porley, University of Edinburgh (@VictoriaPorley):
    • Development of low-cost, Sunlight-activated materials for water treatment in Rural India.

13:20  Sub-theme 3: Responding proactively to global water challenges

Moderated by Rita Noelle Moussa.

  • Diana Souza Moura, Robert Gordon University:
    • Microplastics as a vector for micropollutants in aquatic environments.
  • Lydia Niemi, University of the Highlands and Islands (@LydiaNiemi):
    • Assessing pharmaceutical occurrence and distribution in effluent-receiving surface water.

13:50  Poster Session 2

Moderated by Kerr Adams. See links to all the posters below.

14:05  SFG Action Team Updates

Moderated by Julze Alejandre.

  • SFG Climate Action Team #4: Heather Anderson (@handerson107):
    • Climate Emergency Response Strategy: An Opportunity to Feedback.
  • SFG Sustainable Minds Action Team #1: Louise Lavictoire (@DrLouLavictoire) and Kerr Adams:
    • Findings from the SFG Ecological Footprint Survey.

14:35 SFG Reflections, Announcements & Meeting Close

SFG 104 Poster Presentations