The 107th SFG meeting took place on Thursday 27 October 2022 as a hybrid event. The themed SFG meeting focused on “From river to sea: freshwater and coastal migration by salmonids” and was coordinated by members of the aquatic research group (Colin Adams, Jessica Rodger, Hannele Honkanen, and Angus Lothian) from Scotland’s Centre for Ecology and the Natural Environment (SCENE) at the University of Glasgow, in collaboration with the Atlantic Salmon Trust (AST).
A foreword from our SFG Guest Coordinators from SCENE and the AST
This themed SFG meeting was hosted by Nigel Willby (@NWillby) at the University of Stirling (@StirUni) and brought to you by Colin Adams (@C_Adams1758) with Jessica Rodger (@JessicaRFordyce), Hannele Honkanen (@hanhonkanen), and Angus Lothian (@AngusJLothian) from SCENE (@sceneUofG) at the University of Glasgow, in collaboration with the Atlantic Salmon Trust (@AST_Salmon). With special thanks to the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and the SFG Team for support.
There are a large number of studies being conducted across Scotland, investigating the freshwater and coastal migration of salmonids. The purpose of the day is to highlight a selection of these studies, which use a range of techniques including acoustic telemetry, modelling, and genetics to gain some insight into the migratory behaviours of salmonids. We thank all of our agenda contributors.
SFG 107 Agenda – From river to sea: freshwater and coastal migration by salmonids
10:00 SFG 107 Welcome, Theme and Introductions [PDF]
- Martin Hughes, Scottish Freshwater Group (@Scottish_FwGrp @DrMartinHughes)
- Colin Adams with Jessica Rodger, Hannele Honkanen, and Angus Lothian from SCENE (@sceneUofG) in collaboration with the AST (@AST_Salmon).
Morning session – Chaired by Colin Adams, with support from Martin Hughes & Kerr Adams
10:15 Colin Adams (SCENE @sceneUofG @C_Adams1758) – Emerging insights into the migration to sea by salmonids [PDF]
10:35 Jessie Lilly (SCENE @sceneUofG @Jessie_Lilly) – Investigating the behaviour of Atlantic salmon post-smolts during their early marine migration through the Clyde Marine Region [PDF]
10:55 Jessica Rodger (SCENE & AST @sceneUofG @AST_Salmon @JessicaRFordyce) – The West Coast Tracking Project
11:15 Hannele Honkanen (SCENE @sceneUofG @hanhonkanen) – Atlantic salmon smolt migration through lakes: combination of stochastic and directed movements
11:35 Jamie Ribbens (Galloway Fisheries Trust @Galloway_FT) – Investigating smolt migration through the heavily modified Kirkcudbrightshire Dee, SW Scotland
11:55 Isabel Moore (Skye and Lochalsh Rivers Trust @SkyeLochalsh_RT) – Coastal habitat use of adult sea trout
12:15 Aislinn Borland (University of Strathclyde @StrathMathStat @AislinnBorland) – On the edge of the abyss: modelling the marine migration of Atlantic salmon [PDF]
Lunch break and informal networking opportunities (1 hour 25 mins)
Afternoon session - Chaired by Jessica Rodger, with support from Martin Hughes & Kerr Adams
14:00 Angus Lothian (SCENE & AST @sceneUofG @AST_Salmon @AngusJLothian) – The Moray Firth Tracking Project
14:20 Matthew Newton (Marine Scotland Science @marinescotland @Mnewton87) – Marine migrations of salmon smolts in the Moray Firth
14:40 Robert Main (Marine Scotland Science @marinescotland) – Smolt migration from the River Dee [PDF]
15:00 Niall Gauld & David Morris (Marine Scotland Science @marinescotland) – Tag size study east coast
15:20 Paolo Morcetti (University of Hull @UniOfHull @PMoccetti) – Influence of genetics on emigration success of Atlantic salmon smolts in the Moray Firth
15:40 Colin Bean (NatureScot @nature_scot @ProfColinBean) – Management implications and importance of understanding the outward migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
16:00 SFG Reflections, Announcements & Meeting Close – with latest updates from the SFG Team [PDF]
Next meeting of the Scottish Freshwater Group will be held on Thursday 27 April 2023. The plan is to proceed as a full-day hybrid SFG meeting agenda, aligned with University of Stirling campus visitor policies and SG Covid-19 guidelines. However, we will revert SFG meetings to a virtual setting if the situational need arises in future.