Professional summary

Briony is a soil molecular informatician within the Catchment to Coast group responsible for bioinformatically processing and statistically analysing genomic datasets from large soil surveys. Her current research is funded primarily by the AI4SoilHealth and SoilGuard EU projects and focuses on developing a predictive understanding of soil microbial taxonomic and functional responses to environmental change.

She previously undertook a PhD at UKCEH and Bangor University assessing the impacts of land use intensification on soil microbial diversity and function using varying bioinformatic and statistical approaches on amplicon and metagenome data. Her PhD also resulted in the development of ID-TaxER, a novel online tool for disseminating ecological niches of soil microbial taxa. Briony's technical skills include R, R markdown, R Shiny, Python, Bash and Postgre-SQL.

Web tools and apps

ID TaxER -a  R Shiny application linking microbial taxa to environmental responses (accesible at: )

Users can query single bacterial marker gene sequences to obtain pH response, habitat and geographical information, based on data from UKCEH Countryside survey.