Professional summary

In 2024 I graduated with a PhD from Lancaster University in Data Science. I focused on developing a Bayesian hierarchical model for bias correcting climate model output over Antarctica. Now I work as an Environmental Data Scientist with UKCEH and focus on applying statistical methods to a wide range of applications, including for example biodiversity and flood management. I am interested in the generalisability of statistical methods across multiple application domains and in methods that integrate multiple types of data. I particularly enjoy working with Bayesian frameworks and Gaussian processes. I am very keen to extend my data science toolbox and additionally to expand the areas of application I've worked with, such as rewilding and mycology.   

Other Publications

Carter, Jeremy & Leeson, Amber & Orr, Andrew & Kittel, Christoph & Wessem, J. M.. (2022). Variability in Antarctic surface climatology across regional climate models and reanalysis datasets. The Cryosphere. 16. 3815-3841. 10.5194/tc-16-3815-2022. 

Carter, Jeremy & Chacón-Montalván, Erick & Leeson, Amber. (2024). Bayesian hierarchical model for bias-correcting climate models. Geoscientific Model Development. 17. 5733-5757. 10.5194/gmd-17-5733-2024.