Professional summary Rob is a quantitative ecologist and methodologist. He is interested in sampling theory, missing data theory, biodiversity monitoring and ecological modelling. Selected publications Boyd Robin J. et al. , (2024), On the trade-off between accuracy and spatial resolution when estimating species occupancy from geographically biased samples. Ecological Modelling, 493, Boyd Robin J. et al. , (2023), Descriptive inference using large, unrepresentative nonprobability samples: an introduction for ecologists. Ecology, Boyd Robin J. et al. , (2023), We need to talk about nonprobability samples. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Boyd Robin J. et al. , (2023), Causal inference and largeāscale expert validation shed light on the drivers of SDM accuracy and variance. Diversity and Distributions, 29, 774-784, Boyd Robin J. et al. , (2023), An operational workflow for producing periodic estimates of species occupancy at national scales. Biological Reviews, 98, 1492-1508, Boyd Robin J. et al. , (2022), ROBITT: a tool for assessing the risk-of-bias in studies of temporal trends in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Boyd Robin J. et al. , (2022), Inferring trends in pollinator distributions across the Neotropics from publicly available data remains challenging despite mobilization efforts. Diversity and Distributions, 28, 1404-1415, Boyd Robin J. et al. , (2021), occAssess: an R package for assessing potential biases in species occurrence data. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 16177-16187, Boyd R.J. et al. , (2020), Simulating the summer feeding distribution of Northeast Atlantic mackerel with a mechanistic individual-based model. Progress in Oceanography, 183, Boyd Robin et al. , (2020), Potential consequences of climate and management scenarios for the Northeast Atlantic mackerel fishery. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7,