Professional summary

Sabine is a soil ecologist with an interest in the links between soils, plants and the atmosphere under global change. She currently coordinates climate change research from the UKCEH's long-term Heathland Climate Change Infrastructure under the National Capability project NC-UK, which has been running since 1999. Her work revolves around the connections between climate change, ecosystem processes and soil.

Sabine is leading soils-related work as part of the EU soil horizon project AI4SoilHealth, bringing together UK, EU and global datasets featuring soil and ecosystem metrics to derive cost-effective and continental-scale soil health indicators. She is also involved in the Norwegian project CLIMASOIL investigating impacts of climate change on soil hydraulic properties and carbon storage.

Sabine has been leading projects for natural England on predictive soil mapping for England and structural remediation. She also has experience in coordinating complex and large-scale field surveys such as the national field survey as part of the Welsh Environmental and Rural Affairs Monitoring & Modelling Programme (ERAMMP).

Selected publications