Professional summary

Ute Skiba has 40 years research experience in biogeochemistry, with focus on in vitro and in situ measurements of nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric oxide (NO), and methane (CH4) fluxes from natural & agricultural ecosystems across temperate, tropical & arctic climate zones.  

I investigate the impact of greenhouse gas fluxes related to key environmental drivers: (1) climate, soil properties, agricultural management, atmospheric N deposition; (2) microbial and abiotic processes leading to emissions of direct and indirect greenhouse gas fluxes to the atmosphere; (3) determine spatial and temporal variability of soil trace gas fluxes; (4) upscaling from plot to larger and policy relevant areas through measurements and simple regression models. 

I have set up in situ experimental designs to investigate GHG fluxes and their environmental abiotic and biotic drivers to  investigate the impact of agricultural management on GHG fluxes from arable crops and grasslands in the UK; natural wetlands in the UK, Arctic & Africa; Forests in the UK and Oil palm plantations in Malaysia. 

My work was supported predominately via UK and EU funding in collaboration across many  countries; and led to over 180 peer reviewed publications (Web of Science Researcher ID H index = 53, 1982 - 2023). 

I have supervised MSc and PhD students (12 + 17), examined PhD thesis for several countries (16)

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