
from £529


Autumn 2025

Don't miss this course with hands-on field experience giving you the skills and confidence you need to deploy your own ADCP! Places are strictly limited!


Wallingford or Interactive-Online

UKCEH Wallingford, Maclean Building, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BB.


Please express your interest for the next course here, so we can fix a course date! 

Short course description:

This very practical training workshop is for new starters and moderately experienced ADCP users alike.

You will have a live interactive learning experience. We will demonstrate several of the field techniques. These will show the deployment of equipment and the collection of river discharge measurements with ADCPs.

The course will introduce you to how ADCP instruments work. You will learn how to collect river discharge measurements with ADCPs from both Teledyne RD Instruments and Sontek. You will work with data we previously collected using remote-controlled boats and unpowered deployment platforms, with a strong focus on the processing and validation of the data. You will also learn how to troubleshoot problem data files. We encourage you to submit your data for analysis within the course.

Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) offer a well-proven and highly effective method for River Discharge Monitoring. ADCPs can help you to obtain accurate discharge measurements in a variety of sites ranging from small streams to the largest of rivers.

You will also learn how ADCP data can help enable the effective use of other river flow measurement techniques, such as surface velocity methods. 

Learning objectives:

By the end of the course, you will be able to…

  1. Understand the principles of ADCP technology
  2. Understand how to use ADCP instruments for river discharge measurements
  3. Choose the best instrument for a given site
  4. Decide how and where to make a discharge measurement with an ADCP
  5. Undertake river discharge measurements with an ADCP
  6. Review, process and validate ADCP river discharge measurements
  7. Interpret and analyse data from difficult sites and conditions
  8. Understand how information collected with ADCPs can help enable the use of other river measurement methods, such as surface velocity techniques
  9. Manage the practical aspects of launching an ADCP device and extracting its data

Target audience:

  • Monitoring agencies such as the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and SEPA
  • Rivers Trusts
  • Consultancies engaged in river monitoring and assessment work
  • Scientists and Hydrologists
  • Academics, including PhD students


Beginner to Intermediate


Max 12 learners 

Hardware and software requirements:

We will use three specialist software applications for reviewing and processing ADCP data:

We will give you guidance on how to download and install this software on your computer with the Joining Instructions.

Please note, the TRDI and Sontek software applications run on the Windows operating system only.  

You will need a laptop or Windows tablet. If you use a tablet, a mouse and keyboard will make operating the ADCP software much easier. 

We are inviting you to bring your own ADCP along for the field element of the training!

Having a webcam is desirable (but not essential). If you plan to participate from an open-plan office or noisy environment, please wear headphones with a built-in microphone.


The cost of accommodation is not included in the course fee. Please see our guide to accommodation near UKCEH Wallingford  (April 2024)

Course leader:

Nick Everard, Senior Hydrometric Scientist, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

Nick has been an internationally renowned expert on ADCP technology for over 15 years. He has successfully delivered training courses on river monitoring with ADCPs for over 10 years. Nick’s expertise covers all models of ADCP from both of the market-leading suppliers. Nick is able to provide all the skills and understanding needed for effective operational river flow monitoring.  

Additional trainer:

Stephen Turner, Hydrologist, UKCEH

Previous course participants said:

The interactive online course in May 2022 had 95% positive feedback.

A field session with the Ireland EPA in June 2022 had 96% positive feedback.

''The trainers were great during the presentations and they facilitated my understanding of the topics." (Aline O'Connell, Office for Public Works Ireland, February 2024) 

''Nick was good at keeping things explained in simple terms and using real world examples'' - (Learner Feedback, February 2024)

"This course was a great learning experience, it provided us with excellent learning outcomes including the ability to post process collected data to give the most accurate flow measurement result, guidance on how best to deploy ADCP for best results, good insight in difference between leading technologies and what to watch out for, it opened our eyes to the nuances of the software and post processing.
The course has given us confidence in our practices and procedures, but also encouraged us to review and strengthen our policy on the use of ADCPs.
The trainer brought unrivalled knowledge and expertise and has the ability to communicate that effectively; great effort was made to include flow measurement data collected by attendees.
The online setting delivery really worked, it allowed attendees to view and hear course content very well, it facilitated great interaction from participants; it was a very effective means of communicating and much better than expected.
The course is a must for those taking flow measurements and those interpreting data collected"

(Joanne Coomer, Engineer, Hydrometric Section & Peter Newport, Head of Hydrometric Section, Office of Public Works, Ireland, 7 July 2021)

"Very good course delivered by very knowledgeable tutor." (A learner from OPW, Ireland, 19 June 2021)

"The online hosting worked very well allowing focus on subject matter without onsite or classroom distractions"  (Peter Newport, Office of Public Works, Ireland, 30 May 2021)


Watch our lead trainer, Nick Everard introducing the ARC boat