Environmental science for a world where people and nature prosper

Across the world, people and nature are facing unprecedented problems caused by climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. These pressing environmental challenges are connected. That’s why at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, we take a joined-up approach to tackling them. We carry out excellent environmental science across water, land and air, developing solutions which balance the needs of people and nature.

Our science makes a difference. In collaboration with our partners, we are helping to build resilience to floods and droughts, find nature-based solutions to climate change, reverse biodiversity loss and restore ecosystems, and ensure that the air we breathe and the water we drink are clean.

The UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology is a not-for-profit research institute, and we carry out independent science without pressure or partiality. Please support us to help people and nature prosper. Your gift will enable us to increase the impact of our science, whether that is restoring saltmarshes to mitigate climate change, protecting pollinators without compromising food production, or restoring a lake ecosystem in a way that benefits the local environment and economy. 

Make a donation

You can choose to give a gift to the UKCEH general fund, or you can choose to support us by donating to one of our campaigns, via the JustGiving website.



Get in touch

We are keen to work with trusts and foundations, companies and other funders nationally and internationally to tackle major environmental challenges across water, land and air. Contact Charlie Stratford to find out how we can work together.