The UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) is an independent, not-for-profit research institute, carrying out excellent environmental science across water, land and air. Our science makes a difference underpinning environmental policies, commercial innovation and conservation action all around the world. Our research extends from molecular biology to global climate modelling, and we carry out fieldwork across the world, from the semi-arid West African Sahel to the rainforests of Southeast Asia.

UKCEH is committed to ensuring that our research meets the highest standards of research ethics and integrity. We are looking to recruit an external member to our Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC). The Human Research Ethics Committee considers the research ethics implications of UKCEH projects that involve: People, volunteers, or citizen science; Research delivering outputs that may affect people; data from human participants. HREC is chaired by Dr Doug Wilson, our Director of Science.

What are we looking for?

Members of our research ethics committees are passionate about research ethics, keen to support researchers and help develop a research culture around ethics and integrity. HREC does not review the project's scientific merit, only the ethical considerations. We are looking for an external member who is able to bring an independent perspective to our research ethics reviews. It is essential that the Committee maintains a diverse membership so a wide variety of research can be assessed. Those with experience from an academic, legal, scientific, health, data protection, or risk management background are encouraged to apply.

What is expected from you?

Members are appointed for either a two- or three-year term. Members work as part of a committee and use their skills and experience (whatever their background) to form ethical opinions about applications. Members are not required to review all applications. and we anticipate ~nine reviews per person per year. You will be required to give written feedback on internal ethics applications, these generally take up to two hours each. In addition, you will be asked to occasionally give ethical advice, and attend annual committee meetings of ca. one-two hours each. We anticipate a total of around 28.5 hours per year. You will also be asked to fill out a statement of conflict of interest and sign a confidentiality agreement.

What can we offer you?

We will provide you with induction and training to facilitate the role. During your time you will learn valuable skills and experience, develop your knowledge of research ethics, and play an important role in supporting research at UKCEH. This is a voluntary position, though UKCEH can provide an honorarium to your employer if required.

Diversity and inclusion

Diversity lies at the core of UKCEH, and we embrace the variety of backgrounds and perspectives that our international workforce brings. Join a community that values and promotes diversity and inclusion. We encourage our staff to participate in network groups, take part in diversity events, and help create a workplace where everyone feels listened, respected, and empowered to thrive.

How to apply

If this is of interest to you, please email your:

  • Expression of interest outlining any relevant skills and experience and why you are interested in joining the committee (no more than one page maximum)
  • Current CV

The deadline for applications is 31 May 2024. For further information please email: