We have a long history of investigating, monitoring and modelling environmental change, generating evidence-driven solutions to complex environmental challenges. Watch our video to find out more about how our science is having a positive impact.
About the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH)
The UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology is a world-leading independent research institute, carrying out excellent environmental science with impact.

Investigating the early signs of climate tipping points
UKCEH climate modeller Dr Chris Huntingford is part of a team awarded £5 million by the Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA) to investigate early warning signs of climate tipping points.

Seventh Carbon Budget highlights land-based options
Scientists at UKCEH contributed modelling and analysis on land-based mitigation options to the Climate Change Committee's Seventh Carbon Budget for the UK.

River biodiversity improved as metal pollution reduced
An improvement in freshwater biodiversity in England’s rivers was linked to reductions in pollution of zinc and copper, largely due to the decline of coal burning and heavy industry, according to a study led by UKCEH.
Our ambition
Our ambition is to make the world a better place through science addressing climate change, promoting biodiversity, and creating sustainable ecosystems.
Excellent environmental science with impact

Science strategy

Science departments

Science infrastructure
What we do
Our 600+ researchers deliver the data and insights that academics, governments and businesses need to solve urgent environmental challenges.

Environmental Information Data Centre
Web-based apps

National River Flow Archive
How we work
Environmental challenges cannot be solved alone. Our partnerships cross borders, sectors and disciplines and are beneficial for everyone involved.