UKCEH offers a range of environmental software, much of which is available free of charge. Our other resources include the JULES model (opens in new window).

Flood Estimation Handbook: FEH Web Service
Industry standard methods for assessing flood risk in the UK

An R Shiny application for the assignment of vegetation sample plot data to British National Vegetation Classification communities, the successor to MAVIS.

Global Water Availability Assessment Model (GWAVA)
GWAVA combines locally sourced data with global databases to give projections of future changes to water availability

Flood Estimation Handbook
Estimates flood risk in order to develop resilient infrastructure

Windermere Humic Aqueous Model (WHAM)
Simulates the resulting reactions of metals entering water and soil systems

PDM (Probability Distributed Model)
A general conceptual rainfall-runoff model which transforms time-series of rainfall and evaporation to river flow at the catchment outlet

Modular Analysis of Vegetation Information System (MAVIS)
Allows vegetation to be compared across many classification systems

A simple model of soil metal chemistry

CuBioM, the Copper Bioavailability Modelling tool, was developed by UKCEH for the International Copper Association (ICA). It is designed to assist the Risk Assessment of copper in the freshwater environment under the EU regulatory framework.

Ecosystem Land Use Model
The ELUM Model

Future Flows maps and datasets
Provides a projection of river flows and groundwater levels throughout the country

Lake ecosystem models: assessing phytoplankton
Assesses phytoplankton for lake management

Low Flows software
Provides estimates of river flows in the UK

WinTWINS version 2.3
Classifies species and samples - a Windows-based version of TWINSPAN

RIVPACS reference database
Estimates the ecological health of new running water sites

Identifies and presents vegetation classification types

Classifies samples and multivariate species data

RAPID 3.0 software
A digital data entry system to capture and store River Habitat Survey data in the field

Coded List of Freshwater Algae 2014
Updated list of freshwater algae recordings in Britain and Ireland

Coded Macroinvertebrates List
Coded list of standard names and identifying codes for freshwater macroinvertebrates in the British Isles

Predicts soil moisture and crop success in salinity-prone soils

River Flow Forecasting System (RFFS)
Produces forecasts of river level and flow in real-time and provides tools for off-line use

Water quality and flow model for river networks

Weather radar providing flood warnings based on estimated rainfall