AMMA-2050 Africa


An overview of the relevant climate metrics used to characterise and identify high impact weather

High Impact Weather Metrics

Baseline to monitor and evaluate scientists & stakeholders opinions related to the topic of AMMA-2050 project

Baseline from key informant interview scorecards

Full baseline report of impacts and outcomes of the AMMA-2050 project

Summary baseline

Workshop report on: How weather and climate information can support local government decision making

Joint BRACED Zaman Lebidi /AMMA-2050 workshop report English

Joint BRACED Zaman Lebidi /AMMA-2050 workshop report French

These reports show the future changes of various climate metrics compared to historical times for different regions in West Africa as derived from CMIP5 models

Atlases of climate metrics

Two versions of bias-corrected CMIP5 data carried out over Africa are described. This document describes the methodologies used, information on the data structure and location. Finally the general terms of use of this AMMA-2050 bias-corrected data is described

Bias Corrected CMIP5

Bias Corrected CMIP5 read me notes

To inform project development, support project and wider learning and meet project reporting requirements, AMMA-2050 has employed a Key Informant Interview (KII) scorecard. The KII scorecard combines qualitative and quantitative questions designed to baseline and monitor key areas of change over the course of the project, with sets of questions designed for both decisionmakers and scientists or climate information providers. This report assesses findings from the use of a KII scorecard between 2016-2019

Baseline to monitor and evaluate scientists & stakeholders opinions related to the topic of AMMA-2050 project

This technical report assesses how gender and inclusion have been considered within AMMA-2050 project, as well as the overarching framework of the Future Climate for Africa (FCFA) programme, of which AMMA2050 is part. The report assesses address of gender and inclusion across project design, research methodologies, capacity building and monitoring, evaluation and learning

Gender and inclusion AMMA-2050 technical report 7

This report considers how AMMA-2050 has combined scientific excellence with a process to co-produce relevant climate products in decision-making contexts that strengthen capacities of both partnering scientists and stakeholders

People, Participation and pathways

This report considers how to build a relationship between flood depth and likely damage (depth damage curves and how the management of this is now based on a good knowledge of the phenomeon and in a preventive approach of sustainable development

Damage curves

This research focuses on assessing the vulnerability index of 'Grand Ouaga' area in Burkina Faso based on exposure, susceptibility and resilience to urban floods

Flood Vulnerability Index

This survey and report has been undertaken in order to better understand the population's relationship to the risk of flooding of residents in 'Grand Ouaga',  Burkina Faso 

Social economic French