CAPER was established in 1974 as the Committee on Air Pollution Effects Research to provide a forum for scientists studying air pollution impacts on the natural environment to meet and discuss their research. Over the years, both the range of air quality issues, and the scope and membership of CAPER, have greatly expanded. CAPER now embraces academic researchers, the UK Environment Agencies, Conservation Agencies, and practitioners involved in the assessment of air quality impacts on the natural environment. Many international researchers have also attended and presented at CAPER conferences. In 2014 the CAPERmed group was formed, which focuses on Mediterranean ecosystems. In 2018 CAPER’s name was changed to the Community of Air Pollution Effects Researchers.
The main focus of the CAPER year centres around our two-day annual conference which offers a friendly and informative forum to bring together those with an interest in the impacts of air pollution on the natural environment. The meeting offers an opportunity for scientists, practitioners and students to discuss their research and current developments in the field of air quality research and policy.