2025 We are pleased to announce that CAPER 2025 will be held in Dublin. CAPER 2025 is the annual meeting/conference of the Community of Air Pollution Effects Researchers, and will be held from 8 to 9 May 2025 in Dublin. It is organised by UKCEH, with local support kindly provided by Dáithí Kelleghan, from the Environmental Protection Agency, and Thomas Cummins and Tom Curran from University College Dublin. We aim to have a full day of talks on Thursday 8 May (starting at about 9.30), and a field visit with discussion sessions on Friday 9th May (ending by about 2.30). Presentations are welcome on all topics related to air pollution impacts, and it is anticipated that sessions will include ‘air pollution impacts on ecosystems’ and ‘Policy regulation of air pollution impacts on ecosystems’. This is an in-person event, with attendance limited to 100 people. Allocation will be on a first-come first-served basis, with a waiting list if capacity is exceeded. The conference will be held in Wynn’s Hotel Dublin (www.wynnshotel.ie). Participants are responsible for paying for their own accommodation costs (if required), with many options available locally. Deadline for Registration: Sunday 20 April (Easter Day) Deadline for Abstract submission: Sunday 20 April (Easter Day) Register now at https://enterprise.mitingu.com/ceh-events/caper-conference-2025-dublin 2024 The CAPER (Committee on Air Pollution Effects Research) 2024 meeting will take place as an in-person event in Lancaster. The meeting will be kindly hosted by Carly Stevens and Imke Grefe, from Lancaster University, in collaboration with Don Monteith and Ellie Mackay from UKCEH Lancaster. The meeting will take place on 9th and 10th May at Lancaster University. There will be a full day of talks on Thursday 9th May (starting at about 9.30), and a field visit with discussion sessions on Friday 10th May (ending by about 2.30). The field visit will focus around the Windermere catchment and include discussions on air quality impacts at a catchment scale in the context of other pollutant sources and pressures, long-term monitoring and the value of these for detecting change, use of citizen science to raise awareness and inform scientific activities. The registration and payment page is now live at https://enterprise.mitingu.com/ceh-events/caper-conference-2024-lancaster You will need to book your own accommodation (if required). Some options are as follows: https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/conferences/guest-bedrooms/ https://englishlakes.co.uk/lancaster-house/ There is also alternative accommodation in Lancaster itself and there are frequent buses between the city centre and the campus. Please save the date, and book your accommodation! And for any queries on the meeting, please contact Felicity Hayes. 2022 National Waterfront Museum in Swansea, Wales 2022-03-22 - 2022-03-23 The 2022 CAPER conference will take place on March 22-23 in the National Waterfront Museum in Swansea, Wales and will be hosted by our colleagues from Natural Resources Wales. Prior to this there will be an optional field trip to Dinefwr Park SSSI on the morning of the 22th March with an opportunity to see lichen-rich trees and discuss impacts of air pollution. Invited speakers include Clare Pillman, Chief Executive of Natural Resources Wales, Professor Steve Ormerod (Cardiff University) who will speak on addressing air and water pollution. Please hold the date in your diary. We anticipate that registrations will open in December. This event has been postponed from 2020, any existing registrations from the 2020 event will be ‘rolled forwards’ and if this is applicable to you, you will be contacted to remind you and to have the opportunity to make any amendments to your registration at the time registrations open. This is a hybrid event, in-person attendance may be limited to 30 people due to Welsh Government regulations. We are optimistic that restrictions will be relaxed prior to the CAPER 2022 meeting. Should restrictions be lifted, the attendance limit will be raised. Allocation for the in-person attendance will be on a first-come first-served basis, with a waiting list if capacity is exceeded. Programme The final programme will depend on presentations offered and will be distributed in March 2022. It is anticipated that the meeting will run from 13:00 on day 1 Tuesday 22nd, to 15:00 on day 2 Wednesday 23rd. Topics are likely to include: empirical critical loads for nitrogen; impacts of nitrogen pollution on ecosystems; impacts of ozone pollution on ecosystems; impacts of ammonia pollution; Science policy, monitoring and evidence. Other topics relevant to the CAPER remit are welcome. 2021 Online 2021-03-23 - 2021-03-24 The 2021 CAPER conference will take place on March 23-24. This year it will be an online event. The meeting will accommodate up to 150 participants, and places will be allocated on a first come, first served principle. If necessary, please submit your registration form first, and with your abstract to follow when ready, in order to secure your place. Please note, this year it will be online event and the CAPER Swansea event has been postponed to 2022. Programme The final programme will depend on presentations offered and will be distributed in March 2021. The meeting will run from 13:00 on day 1, to 15:00 on day 2. Topics are likely to include: Changes to UK air pollution legislation and monitoring following Brexit; empirical critical loads for nitrogen; impacts of nitrogen pollution on ecosystems; impacts of ozone pollution on ecosystems; impacts of ammonia pollution. Other topics relevant to the CAPER remit are welcome. 2019 Local organisers: Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH), Edinburgh: Nancy Dise, Rozy Shepherd, Ed Carnell, Netty van Dijk, Stefan Reis University of Edinburgh: Dave Reay, Mat Heal CAPER chair: Prof. Nancy Dise, CEH Edinburgh Mike Ashmore Bursary awardee: Karina Corada, Imperial College London CAPER 2019 programme CAPER 2019 abstract book CAPER 2019 registration list 2018 Environment Department, University of York 2018-03-08 - 2018-03-09 Local organisers: Prof. Mike Ashmore (mike.ashmore@york.ac.uk) and Dr Richard Payne (richard.payne@york.ac.uk) CAPER Chairs Acting Chair of CAPER: Prof. Gina Mills, CEH Bangor (gmi@ceh.ac.uk) Returning Chair of CAPER from mid-March: Prof. Nancy Dise, CEH Edinburgh (nadise@ceh.ac.uk) CAPER 2018 programme CAPER 2018 meeting information 2017 Newcastle University 2017-04-10 - 2017-04-12 For more information about the 43rd annual Conference CAPER programme 2017 Newcastle University 2016 CAPER programme 2016 Presentations Catharine Pschenyckyj Chris Field Divya Pandey Ed Carnell Ed Rowe Felicity Hayes Gina Mills Harry Harmens Isabel Rogers Jane Hall Jon Storkey Katrina Sharps Laurence Jones Nancy Dise Netty van Dijk Rob Kinnersley Sam Tomlinson Simon Bareham Steph Osborne Susan Zappala Ulli Dragosits Yunhai Zhang 2015 Manchester Metropolitan University 2015-03-30 - 2015-04-01 CAPER programme 2015 2014 Lancaster University 2014-04-14 - 2014-04-16 CAPER Abstracts 2014 CAPER programme 2014 2013 Sheffield 2013-03-25 - 2013-03-27 CAPER abstracts 2013 CAPER programme 2013 Presentations CAPER 2013 Air Pollution Effects Research in a Changing World CAPER 2013 An Eco-Evolutionary Basis for Adaptation to Climate Change CAPER 2013 Analysis of the genetics underlying ozone and drought tolerance in wheat CAPER 2013 Atmospheric N deposition in a holm oak forest CAPER 2013 Below ground effects of O3 in meadows CAPER 2013 Changes in leaf colour of the carnivorous plant Drosera rotundifolia due to nitrogen deposition CAPER 2013 Developing sustainable farming systems by valuing ecosystem services CAPER 2013 Does rising tropospheric ozone alter the flowering behaviours of UK upland grassland species CAPER 2013 Effects of wet N deposition on Sphagnum capillifolium in peatland CAPER 2013 Heavy metal emissions, concentrations and deposition in the UK CAPER 2013 Impacts of Ozone Pollution on Plant-Pollinator Interactions CAPER 2013 On-site habitat management to reduce atmospheric nitrogen impacts CAPER 2013 Ozone and nitrogen interactions in birch trees CAPER 2013 Ozone effects on the biomass, nodulation and nitrogenase activity of clover cultivars CAPER 2013 Quantifying ozone impacts on three ecosystem services in the UK CAPER 2013 Simulated N deposition effects on soil fauna from a semiarid Mediterranean ecosystem in central Spain CAPER 2013 Sphagnum in the Southern Pennines CAPER 2013 The global Nitrogen cycle at the beginning of the 21st century CAPER 2013 Too much of a good thing CAPER 2013 UKEAP CAPER 2013 Understanding modelled air quality risk assessments and site specific responses to ammonia pollution 2011 Riccarton Campus 2011-04-18 - 2011-04-20 CAPER programme 2011 CAPER abstracts 2011 2010 York University 2010-03-29 - 2010-03-31 CAPER programme 2010 CAPER abstracts 2010 2009 Chancellors Court Manchester 2009-04-06 - 2009-04-08 CAPER programme 2009 CAPER abstracts 2009 2008 Bangor University 2008-03-17 - 2008-03-19 CAPER programme 2008 CAPER abstracts 2008 2007 Sheffield University 2007-04-02 - 2007-04-04 Monday 2nd April 12:00 - 14:00. Registration at Alfred Denny Building, room B52 (Department of Animal and Plant Sciences) including lunch from 13:00. from 14:00. short talks from colleagues in related fields ((currently confirmed: Phosphorus Pollution in Wetlands – Dr Ben Surridge, Catchment Science Centre, University of Sheffield; "Remote sensing of mineral aerosols" Dr Rob Bryant, Department of Geography) and optional tours of the Department of Animal and Plant Science’s Controlled Environment Facilities and Experimental Gardens (including N deposition experiments) 17:00 - 21:00. University House (Fulwood and Abbeydale rooms) for the poster session and dinner/drinks reception (dinner / drinks available from 18.00). Tuesday 3rd April Alfred Denny Building (Department of Biomedical Sciences Conference Room) Wednesday 4th April Alfred Denny Building (Department of Biomedical Sciences Conference Room) There will be sessions for new postgrads; interactions between N and other nutrients, e.g. P and K, grazing, drought; application of biochemistry and physiology to field based issues; soil C and N cycling. We shall not be having a policy session per se this year. Talk slots will be allocated to students first and then on a first come first basis. Monday, 2 April 2007 to Wednesday, 4 April 2007 CAPER programme 2007 2006 Pollock Halls Edinburgh 2006-04-10 - 2006-04-12 CAPER programme and abstract 2006 2005 University of York 2005-03-21 - 2005-03-23 CAPER programme 2005 2004 Newcastle Upon Tyne 2004-04-05 - 2004-04-07 CAPER programme 2004 CAPER abstracts 2004 2003 Didsbury Campus 2003-04-13 - 2003-04-15 CAPER programme 2003 CAPER abstracts 2003