To further support the development of the FDRI project and to help shape plans, particularly in the selection of observatories and our ability to address the science questions identified by the community, a Community Advisory Group has been set up.

The aim of this group is to assist the FDRI Project Board in reviewing our plans, particularly in relation to key decisions (e.g., which basins to instrument, the design of infrastructure), and staying true to our mission (our ability to address the community science questions identified at the outset). 

The CAG is actively supporting the project. The members represent a diverse group from across the hydrological community; we appreciate their involvement and dedication in helping us to refine options. The group is chaired by the FDRI Chief Science Advisor, Prof. Nick Chappell (Lancaster University), who also has a role on the FDRI Project Board. For details of the CAG, please see the FDRI website.