1030 Coffee
1100 Introduction / E Tipping (UKCEH)
1110 EA Perspective / J-A Pitt (EA)
1130 EA Modelling / H Green (EA)
1150 Modelling climate change effects on eutrophication / H Orr (EA)
1210 LTLS IM / V Bell (UKCEH)
1300 Lunch
1340 LTLS-IM outputs and WFD classes / D Monteith (UKCEH)
1400 Discussion
1500 Tea and close
Bell, Vicky UKCEH
Davies, Sian EA
Green, Hannah EA
Hall, Ruth Natural England
Kelly, Martyn Bowburn Consultants
Krokowski, Jan SEPA
Monteith, Don UKCEH
Orr, Harriet EA
Pitt, Jo-Anne EA
Sibley, Pete EA
Simmons, Paul EA
Tipping, Edward UKCEH
Wittred, Phil EA