COMET Deliverable 2.6: Description of training and education coordinated platform
COMET Deliverable 2.7: Blueprint of the European Radioecology Alliance functioning
COMET Deliverable 3.1: Detailed plan for the COMET WP3 Initial Research Activity
COMET Deliverable 3.2: COMET IRA on improved parameterisation of key processes for transfer
COMET Deliverable 3.4: Final database with descriptions of characteristics of particles
COMET Deliverable 3.7: Final report of WP3 activities
COMET Deliverable 5.1: The COMET website
COMET Deliverable 5.2: Communication Plan
COMET Deliverable 5.4: Fukushima COMET Workshop
COMET Deliverable 5.5: Workshop “Models fit for purpose”
COMET Deliverable 5.6: Workshop "Thirty years after the Chernobyl accident"
COMET Deliverable 5.7: Training activities during COMET
COMET: Deliverable IRA-Human Food Chain-D1
COMET: Deliverable IRA-Marine-D1
COMET: Deliverable IRA-Particle Behaviour-D1
COMET: Deliverable IRA- Human food chain modelling-D2
COMET: Deliverable IRA-Marine-D2
COMET: Deliverable IRA-Particle Behaviour-D2
COMET: Deliverable (IRA-Human-D3)
COMET: ACTION IRA - Marine WG Deliverable D3
COMET: Deliverable IRA-Particle Behaviour-D3
COMET: Deliverable IRA-Particle Behaviour-D4