First phase

NERC GST code   

Lead PI Affiliation Title


Dr Mark Blaxter

University of Edinburgh

Development of a molecular barcode system for soil nematode identification.


Prof Peter Young

University of York

Function and taxonomic diversity of mycorrhizas in grassland.


Dr Peter Millard

MLURI, Aberdeen

Management of Field Experiments at Sourhope.


Dr Clare Robinson

Kings College, London Biodiversity of saprotrophic fungi of grassland in relation to their function


Dr Phil Murray IGER, North Wyke, Devon Biodiversity of invertebrate root feeders and their impact on soil microbial communities.


Prof Phil Ineson University of York
Soil faunal biodiversity and carbon cycling.


Dr Ian Head

University of Newcastle
Effects of soil improvement treatments on bacterial community structure and function.


Dr Jonathan Leake University of Sheffield
The effects of mycorrhizal mycelium on the diversity, biomass and functioning of soil microbial communities and its role in carbon and nutrient cycles.


Prof Jim Prosser University of Aberdeen
The influence of land-use management practices on species and functional biodiversity of nitrite oxidising bacteria and nitrification and denitrification processes.


Prof Charles Godfray NERC Centre for Population Ecology, Imperial College, Silwood Park Soil biodiversity, carbon and nitrogen fluxes in replicate, model Sourhope ecosystems: an Ecotron experiment


Dr Anne Glover University of Aberdeen What is the link between microbial diversity and soil resilience?


Prof Donald Davidson University of Stirling Interactions of soil biodiversity, micromorphology, structure and organic matter


Prof David Hopkins

University of Stirling

Earthworm diversity and the integration of physical, biochemical and microbiological functions


Dr Bland Finlay Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (Windermere) Soil Protozoan Diversity and its role in Carbon and Nitrogen turnover


Dr Richard Bardgett University of Lancaster The relationship between diversity, biomass and function of soil microarthropod communities


Dr Mark Bailey Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (Oxford) Establishing the link between functional and total bacterial diversity, its response to perturbation and effect upon carbon flux to other trophic levels


Prof Elizabeth Wellington University of Warwick Assessment of chitin decomposer diversity: the role of actinomycetes and other bacteria in C and N cycling in limed and unlimed grasslands


Dr Andy Meharg Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (Monks Wood) Towards a quantitative analysis of soil food-web structure and function at the ecosystem scale


Dr Helaina Black Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (Lancaster) Diversity and functional activity of Enchytraeidae in an upland pasture

Second phase

Standard grants

NERC GST code   

Lead PI Affiliation Title


Prof Mark Bailey

Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (Oxford)

Influence of Sourhope biodiversity treatments upon on the carbon flow and functional resilience of key bacterial taxa in the rhizosphere of grassland soils. 


Dr Philip Murray IGER, North Wyke, Devon Diversity and functional role of predatory beetles and their prey in the Sourhope ecosystem.


Prof James Prosser University of Aberdeen How does rhizosphere carbon flow drive soil biodiversity?


Dr Jonathan Leake University of Sheffield Carbon flow through mycorrhizal mycelial systems to soil microbial populations- their impact of microarthropod diversity.


Prof Philip Ineson

University of York

Carbon transfers at Sourhope - from plant to soil organic matter.


Small grants

NERC GST code   

Lead PI Affiliation Title


Dr Gareth Griffith

University of Wales 

Fine scale analysis of Hygrocybe spp. In semi-natural grasslands and elucidation of their role in decomposition processes.


Prof Elizabeth Wellington

University of Warwick


Provision of a molecular archive for microbial diversity within treatments plots at Sourhope.


Dr Ian Grieve

University of Stirling

Flow paths and rates of labelled ca