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Land Cover Change 1990-2015 (LCC1990_2015) is a land cover change data set produced from simplified versions of LCM1990 and LCM2015. The simplified versions of LCM1990 and LCM2015 were produced with consistent methods especially to enable the creation of this 25-year change data set.

Technical details and mapping techniques

  • Land Cover Change 1990-2015 (LCC1990_2015) covers the whole of the UK.
  • Land Cover Change 1990-2015 (LCC1990_2015) is available as a 5-band raster data set providing 6 land cover classes for 1990 and 2015 and 3 change datasets:
    • Simplified land classes for 1990 - LCM1990 cast into the 6 classes used by the change product.
    • Simplified land classes for 2015 – LCM2015 cast into the 6 classes used by the change product.
    • Binary change layer (values 0 or 1) Zero represents no change between the two dates. One shows a change has occurred between the two dates.
    • ‘Change from’ class shows what the area was in 1990 before the change occurred. Values are 0-6.
    • ‘Change to’ class shows what the area was in 2015 after the change had occurred. Values are 0-6

Dataset documentation 

Further details on Land Cover Change 1990-2015 (LCC1990_2015) are available in the Dataset Documentation (zip file).

Obtaining UKCEH’s Land Cover Maps

Academic research: All of UKCEH’s Land Cover Maps are available for free to users of the EDINA Environment Digimap service which includes staff and students at over 100 UK further and higher education establishments.

Non-commercial use of raster data: All of UKCEH’s raster Land Cover Maps (all 20m, 25m and 1km raster datasets) are available to download and use for free for non-commercial organisations and their contractors from the UKCEH Environmental Information Platform. See more details here of downloading Land Cover Change 1990-2015.

Internal business use: All of UKCEH’s Land Cover Maps are available for Internal Business Use under licence and subject to payment of a licence fee. Please make a request using the form below for more information.

Innovation use and value-added reselling: UKCEH encourages use of its intellectual property in value added products and services. Our intellectual property can be made available without charge for Innovation use in order to allow feasibility studies and the development of products and services prior to arranging a bespoke value-added reseller agreement. Please make a request using the form below for more information.

Web form

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