The FEH Web Service provides online access to the data and rainfall model outputs that are needed to apply the UK flood and rainfall estimation procedures, including the latest FEH13 rainfall model. These procedures are defined by the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) and subsequent updates, and implemented in the FEH Software.

History of FEH
The Flood Estimation Handbook was published in 1999 in the form of a five-volume handbook providing practical guidance on the use of flood estimation methods, together with details of supporting theory and analysis. The handbook was accompanied by software and digital data, allowing users to estimate flood frequency for any site of interest on the UK river network, whether gauged or ungauged.
Since its initial release, the FEH data, methods and software have been revised and updated, and a number of publications have superseded parts of the handbook itself. However, the core philosophy has been retained. Read more about FEH research and projects.
Other links
Purchasing credits for catchment or point data from FEH Web Service
History, present and future of the FEH (Wallingford HydroSolutions)