Professional summary

Richard is an ecologist and GIS specialist at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, with expertise in the ecology of birds and mammals, British farmland and woodland, and the Białowieża Forest in Poland. Richard completed a Masters degree in GIS at the University of Edinburgh and a PhD in woodland bird ecology and remote sensing at Bournemouth University, joining CEH Monks Wood in 1999 before relocating to UKCEH Wallingford in 2008. Richard's research combines field surveys, spatial and statistical analyses, and the mapping of remote sensing data (e.g. LiDAR, Sentinel, drone) to understand ecosystems, habitats and species distributions.

Richard’s major research interests include woodland bird ecology, especially Marsh Tits, Willow Tits & Wood Warblers, and agri-environmental schemes for farmland birds and mammals, including the mapping and ecology of hedgerows. Other areas of research focus on rewilding, natural colonisation and regeneration of native woodland, the impact of invasive species such as the Grey Squirrel and Red-billed Leiothrix, and pesticide effects on birds of prey, particularly rodenticides (SGARs).

Richard serves on the UKCEH Animal Research Ethics Committee, has served as Vice Chair of the BTO Ringing Committee, a Senior Research Associate at the University of Oxford's Biology Department, and currently serves on the UK Woodland Birds Steering Group. Richard is the current Editor-in-Chief of the journal Bird Study.

Selected publications