Professional summary

Will is a Spatial Data Analysist in the Atmospheric Chemistry and Effects and Emissions Sources, Sinks and Solutions groups, working on a variety of projects focussed on quantifying the emissions and atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gasses and air pollutants.  

William (Will) obtained a BSc. in Biological Sciences from the University of Reading in 2012 before completing an MSc. in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation at Silwood Park, Imperial Collect London (2013). In 2018, Will finished his PhD. at the University of Leeds and UKCEH Wallingford which was focussed on the ecological impact of invasive non-native species. 

After completing his PhD., Will spent the next 18 months working in Saskatchewan, Canada with the University of Saskatchewan and Troutreach. During this time Will's work was focussed on developing novel ways the sample freshwater macroinvertebrates in the boreal forest and quantifying the ecological impact of wildfire regimes and community succession, again in the boreal forest.

In 2019 Will returned to UKCEH, Wallingford as a Spatial Ecological Modeller working primarily on sustainable agriculture projects. While in this role Will used precision agriculture data to quantify the impact of agri-environment schemes and other features of the farming landscape on crop yield.

Will was an associate editor for the Biological Invasions scientific journal between 2022 and 2024.

In 2022 Will began working in the Atmospheric Chemistry and Effects and Emissions Sources, Sinks and Solutions groups as a Spatial Data Analyst. Will works on a variety of projects focussed on modelling and quantifying the impact of air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions, including ammonia emissions from agricultural sources.