Professional summary
Audric manages several projects and work packages about tool development and modelling, around air quality and pollution, nitrogen management and soils. He is certified PRINCE2® 7 Foundation.
He is an advanced R user, language he uses to develop Shiny apps and R packages, and handles and processes various environmental datasets, as well as runs short-range deposition models within the Atmospheric Composition Change group.
He obtained in 2014 an MSc in Modelling for Ecology from the Université de Rennes, France and an Agronomics degree, specialized in Modelling for Ecology from Agrocampus Ouest, now Institut Agro, France. He then completed a PhD in fisheries science modelling titled "Development of a spatial management strategy evaluation framework: application to the Bay of Biscay mixed demersal fisheries" at IFREMER — the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea — in Brest and Nantes, France. Audric then focused on similar research topics during a post-doc at Queen's University Belfast until late 2021, when he joined UKCEH.
Web tools and apps
Lead developer / major contributor
- Air Pollution information System (APIS) UK
- UKCEH Countryside Survey and UK-SCAPE Soil Health Webtool SOil funDamentals (SOD)
- International Nitrogen Management System (INMS) nitrogen budget (password protected)
- QUANT monitoring air pollution with low-cost sensors (in progress)
Other contributions
- Ammonia Reduction by Trees (ART)
- Air Pollution information System (APIS) MCP tool
- SCAIL (Simple Calculation of Atmospheric Impact Limits) UK
- SCAIL (Simple Calculation of Atmospheric Impact Limits) Sweden
- International Nitrogen Management System (INMS) webtools (in progress)
Lead developer / major contributor
- Air Pollution information System (APIS) UK
- UKCEH Countryside Survey and UK-SCAPE Soil Health Webtool SOil funDamentals (SOD)
- International Nitrogen Management System (INMS) nitrogen budget (password protected)
- QUANT monitoring air pollution with low-cost sensors (in progress)
Other contributions
- Ammonia Reduction by Trees (ART)
- Air Pollution information System (APIS) MCP tool
- SCAIL (Simple Calculation of Atmospheric Impact Limits) UK
- SCAIL (Simple Calculation of Atmospheric Impact Limits) Sweden
- International Nitrogen Management System (INMS) webtools (in progress)